Thursday, May 23, 2013

Farts, Fire, and Facial Follicles

Previously on Rising Suns Softball: We lost some games, I made a bet, my place of work caught on fire, etc etc.

Tonight's Episode: First and foremost, allow me to apologize to both of you for not updating last week. I was busy. Sorry. Moving on.

Last week we did battle with the other worst team in the league, Team Green Tambourine. Hot off their seventh-inning upset of the Franklin Force, TGT carried that momentum into the game against us. There were some costly mistakes on our part that led to runs on their part, and there was a lot of blood. Between BK and TGT Adam, we ran through most of the supplies in my First Aid kit.

A Harlot and a Hussey boozin'
Following the heartbreaker against the Tambos, we faced their archnemesis, the Fart Museum. Now, I know a fair amount of people who work for the PMA. Some of them have some vague idea that their institution has a CCSL team, some of them first heard of it from me. Either they have a vast staff or a handful of ringers. Or both. Whatever the case may be, we dropped a tough one.

As BK pointed out, we struggled at the plate but the Farties also made some good grabs in the outfield that may have resulted in a hit against another team. Oh well. We started off the game by giving up a bunch of runs, but managed to (somewhat) contain the Farties after that. On a personal note, after five and a half seasons in the CCSL, I struck out for the first time. Aboo.

The Scores: 22-4 (TGT) and 13-2 (PMA)

Mr. Bump Injury Report: In the TGT game, BK got banged up after a collision at home plate. Josh took a ball to the face the following week and added some artsy red spots to his shirt. My beard left my face in shame after the TGT loss. All are expected to recover.

Aesop's Moral Victory of the Game: As First Lobster put it: "At least Pat lost a bet."

Judah Friedlander Champion of the Game: Huss Buss. I'm fairly certain he made one of his trademark sliding catches in one or both of the games.


Dramatic reenactment of Ben's reaction
 "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I WAS SAFE!!" - Ben Brown, who, according to the person calling the play, was safe, to the PMA pitcher

"If you're on it, you're gonna want to do something." - Kat

"I should take my glasses off, I take a lot of balls to the face." - Ali V

"This is so going on my Facebook page!" - Josh (I forget what this was in reference to)

"I hit like my marital status: single." - Mr. Ben Brown

"It's been awhile, we did it a couple weeks ago." - Kat

"I got hit on the side of my bikini ride." - BK

"This is going to be legen- wait for it even though we're not playing on that field -Dairy." - Ben Brown

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