Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why'd You Do It, Tina?

Previously on Rising Suns Softball: We put up a spirited fight against the Zoo and things were looking up for the Rising Suns.

Our participant ribbon

Tonight's Episode: Last night's Fleischermania IV began with some friendly banter between the Fleischers and Rising Suns early arrivers Erin and yours truly. Tina began heckling me as soon as I arrived, and for those of you who drank from that beautiful cup pictured on the right, you may want to skip the quotes section. Just saying.

Apart from the aforementioned banter and heckling, last night did not go as expected. On the plus side, we stepped up our defense, most evident by the spectacular showing by BVDubs all over the freaking infield. Seriously, is there a base she didn't make a play at? John Pugh and Scrappy Doo continue to work together well at Short and Second, getting key outs. Josh moved from first to third and came up with a clutch out late in the game. Right field looked a lot better with stellar playing from Amy the Bad Ass Hussey, Jill the Scientist, Marky Mark (sans the Funky Bunch) and the debut of Tiffany Allen. I also seem to remember Joe Barber closing an inning with a key grab in left. Once again, our ptiching was on point with Barry and Harry getting a strike out.

Unfortunately, our hitting was not as good as last week. Our heavy hitters (Kevin, Joe, John)did well getting multiple bases and allowing base runners to cross the plate. Beth, Amy, Charlotte, Mike, Spellman, and Barry all contributed hits as well. Since opted for some BP at the end of the game, i forgot to look at the book to get stats, so apologies if I missed anyone. We also had quite a few strike outs in the game, which didn't help. Hopefully the strike rule will go back to normal once we get into May!

On a more pleasant note, it was good to see such a great turnout at Bishop's Collar after the game! Playing in this league is a lot more fun when we go out and get to hang out with other teams. So thanks to Jill, Amy, Kat, Ali, Kevin, Valerie, and Beth for coming out. After Monday's game, join a few teams at North Star Bar for some fun!

The Score: 17-8 Fleischer

Mr. Bump Injury Report: No one got hurt, though Josh was trying to kill me before the game.

Aesop's Moral Victory of the Game: No one got hurt. Also, we allowed less than 23 runs. We had extra beer, too.

When Your Bank Says No, Champion Says Yes Champion of the Game: BVDubs. If not for spectacular play at both first and third and a good performance at the plate, definitely for the awesome play at the plate on former Fartie Kyle.


"I peed in that cup!" - Elated Tina

"Shit. I drank out of that cup." - Deflated Pat

"Balls to the mouth never stopped you before." - A cheeky Harry Potter

"I want to be her when I grow up." - Kat, vocalizing what the rest of the team was thinking after BVDubs tagged Kyle out

"I can't go anywhere, I'm chained to the fence." - El Presidente
"That's what she said." - A Scientist

"Jesus, Buddy, that thing grows two inches everytime I see it." - Lanice (of the Collar)

"I only see it when I'm in your mouth." - Allie to Ali

"What made you switch teams?" - PW
"This team drinks more." - Kyle, simultaneously summing up the CCSL and earning my respect

"I self fist bump because I don't need other people to validate my awesomeness." - BVDubs

"Nice beard." - A friendly HP, to a batter
"That's an ok beard, not as good as the last one." - A less friendly HP, to the next batter
"Nice minivan." - Much less friendly HP, to Joe

Next time on Rising Suns Softball: A double header against the two top teams in the league, South Philly Tap Room and Catahoula Refugees.

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