That's right, our games start with the National Anthem |
Do you believe in miracles? After a twelve game losing streak, the Old City Freedom/Rising Suns/whatever came out swinging in a big win over the Fleischer Art Memorial. Our fielding was on point, our bats were awake, we had a BK-professed best lineup of the season, and a good time was had by all.
This win was truly a team effort. BK dropped himself and an All Star first basemen from the field to make room for all of the talent that came together on Tuesday, and it was the right call. Kudos, sir. The outfield let very few balls get past them and the infield kept it chatty and made smart throws to get critical outs. At the plate, the guys and gals in red stepped up their game to contribute to our 11 runs. Not all of our runners scored, but we did get a lot on base in the game. Overall, we improved in every aspect of the game, from fielding to hitting to snarking.
Aaron's Grand Slam |
I'm not sure if BK gave the game ball to our MVP last night, but I would have to say that there are at least three people deserving of such a title. One is obviously Aaron "Detective Olivia" Benson for his game-sealing grand slam in the top of the seventh. Kevin also racked up several RBIs over a pair of triples early in the game. BPH pitched a stellar game, getting at least one K in the book that I saw. Well done, gents.
The efforts of the newly-christened Happy Fun Times Committee must also be recognized. Ali and Jill brought their love for "Call Me Maybe" to the rest of the team, Amy added that bad ass edge to the committee, and Tiffany snapped some great photos AND renamed the committee. Well done, ladies.
Amy the Bad Ass at second |
Now, friends of Freedom, onto the post-season. There is a lot of talk about playing more games. What's definite is the All-Star game, going down on Tuesday, August 7th. Sometime between now and then, we will play a game or two the the Franklin Force into which we will carry the momentum of a win and they will drag the weight of not scoring in their last game. We may also fool around on the side with the Flesicher and the Bad Touch if they play their cards right. Yes, my friends, there is more softball to be played. Also, let me know if you're interested in playing in another league this fall.
Hussey on the mound |
Score: 11-6, WE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Injury Report: No one got hurt. Not even feelings.
This is how you play catcher |
Moral Victory of the Game: We fucking won.
Things To Look Forward To:
Boots, contributing |
- The All Star Game
- A series of Fan Appreciation Games
- Spellman's Season Wrap-Up
- Team Party at the Residence of the Social Chair
- Prohibition-themed programming from the NCC and Elfreth's Alley
- Mega Bad and Mega Rad nights at the Academy
- Fall softball
- Calling me (maybe)
- Fall leagues
"For realsies, this is our best lineup of the season." - BK, on target
"And there's this week's woefully optimistic quote." - PW, off target
"I forgot to bring my time-out tent." - Scrappy Doo
"We should take another team photo, we only had 12 people last time." - Me
"I know, I wasn't there that time." - Speak-N-Spellman
"Yeah, now you can take the picture!" - Me
"We're winning 7-6." - Captain Krisch, upon being asked the score
"Sshhh! You'll scare it away!" - Totally not superstitious Jenna
Spectator |
"Somebody actually threw the ball to Charlotte!" - A surprised Scientist
"It's decided, let's never lose again." - BK
"Guys, my goal tonight is just to get to first base." - Ali
"Do you mean in softball or…" - Pat
"Interpret how you will, a girl has needs." - Ali
"Luckily for you there's two Husseys on this team." - Pat
"It’s just too easy" - Amy the Bad Ass as she shakes her head
"Why? Because you’re a Hussey?" - Jill
"Come back to my team damnit!" - Some bald guy
"I don't want to be distracting." - A very humble Scientist
"Sorry about Wednesday, it's Danielle's fault. She's going to see Buddy Holly." - Mo knows the day the music died
"That's not going to be a very exciting show. He's dead." - Some asshole
"BAHAHA HEE HAW HEE HAW HEE HAW" - Ventrola, laughing at Buddy's strike out at the other field
"Fucking blog." - Dejected Boots
"Dude, I'll give you $5 to streak right now. Just run around the mound, Tim won't care!" - The Tucker
A good game indeed |
"You should have stayed longer." - Social Chair to the Happy Fun Times Committee
"Sorry, I had two Husseys waiting for me in the car." - Da Ali V Show
"Somebody left their rubber on the mound." - Some asshole
"World Fucking Champions!" - Chase Utley
"I'm fairly certain that my Facebook has blown up more tonight over our
ONLY softball win than it did the night the Phillies won the World
Series." - Ali V
Now take us out for pizza |
"I'm just going to grab me some of this ass right here." - TFI Barbie
"Hey Pat, your time finally won a game, what are you going to do next?" - On field reporter
"I'm going to Disney World!" - Yours truly
"OH MY GOD, WE'RE GOING TO WIN! SOMEBODY GET WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS READY!" - The entire bench after two outs in the 7th
"What are you doing?" - Jill, the bird geek
"I'm going to throw this at the hawk to make it go away." - SNS
(Long evil stare and silence)
"I am not going to throw this at the hawk to make it go away." - SNS
"John Pugh is here!" - BK, trying hard not to smile and do a little jig
"Hey, I just met you and this is crazy..." - Carly Rae Jepson, currently in your head. You're welcome.
"I can't believe you've never seen my ass before." - TFI Barbie to K-Slice
"WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Everybody, at the end