On a more fun note, Scrappy Doo and an Asscap made it to Hoagiefest as the lone representatives for the OCFF tonight. I learned how to keep the book (sort of) and someone called Scrappy a Harlot, so it was pretty good. There were also enough hoagies for everyone, and at least three other teams were happy to see us there. As the newly appointed Old City Social Chair, stay tuned here for more events in which we can interact with other teams without getting spanked.
Next week we have two games, and we will go to the Magic 8-Ball for predictions.
Will we beat the Bad Touch?
- Magic 8 Ball says "Outlook not so good."
- Magic 8 Ball says "Yes."
Perdue Fowl of the Game: Mega Bad Mark for his 76 foul balls
Ringling Brothers Clown of the Game: Simzak, for a never ending stream of animal puns
Red Cross Injury Report: 4Loko Barbie fell several times at Hoagiefest but that's nothing new. Injurygraham continues to defy the Vegas odds by remaining healthy. Derm can barely stand and Ryan is old too. El Jefe made it through an entire game with zero injuries, but will owe me two beers on the 16th. Da Ali V Show suffered from severe frostbite while Speak-N-Spellman complained about how warm his jacket was.
Score: Bad guys win 20-4.
"The Hogwarts Express is leaving." - Harry Potter. FUN FACT: Platform 9 3/4 is at the 19th Street entrance of the Academy.
"I'm like the Jar Jar Binks of the team." - Speak-N-Spellman
"I'm going to be boring and not witty, like Jar Jar." - Jillster
"That's Poppycock!" - Buddy, looking down
"I've seen a lot of Husseys go to second base, but never like that before." - Me, after Amy the Bad Ass was bad ass
"BAHAHAHA!" - Sarah, about twenty minutes later
"All those liquid nitrogen shows are paying off." - Jason, after Buddy made a nice grab in right
"I'm pretty, but I never said I was classy." - A very humble Scientist with a Dragon Tattoo
"That's what she said." - About a dozen different people, in reference to too many things
"I wish I could hug Pam everyday." - MMN
"If you don't want beer, I'm drinking a Malibu Bay Breeze." - Whitmarsh
"We're going to win this game." - BK, several times before Monday
"Fuck you!" - Adam's dad to a ball
"Damn, this jacket is so damned toasty!" - SNS to Ali V
"Hey guys, how's the meeting going?" - Megashark
"OMG! WHAT MEETING?!" - Professor Snape's least favorite pupil
"Why don't you look at me when we make love?" - MMN to several people
"Mostly has to do with gag reflex." - General consensus
"But wait, who do I hit on?" - Ryan around Moira, Maureen, and Phyllis
The Blogfather's thoughts on Va-Va-Va-Mickey
"He's a decent hitter."
"He's a very decent hitter."
"He's a very, very decent hitter."
"He's a very, very, very decent hitter."
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