Monday, July 9, 2012

Silent But Deadly

Well, that was our worst performance of the year. Of course, I missed the spanking we received from the Fleischer. Maybe we just don't perform well against artsy people. Our line up looked good on paper, but then we got scissored by the Farties, and scissors beats paper, so that was that.

Remnants of what the Farties did to us.
I'm kind of half-assing this recap, but here's how it went down. Barb pitched 3 or 4 hitless innings,  including the one where I thought I hit it just over her head and I was dead wrong. Somehow, our improvement in the field from two weeks ago all but disappeared, most evident on one play where the ball bounced off of the feet of three of us. Pugh made us look good for a couple of minutes when he drilled a triple and recorded one of the two RBIs we had in the game. Newcomers Jack and Bridget contributed with a decent hit from Jack and Bridget getting a K on the mound. Da Ali V Show pitched a pretty stellar 1-2-3 inning. Other than that, it was pretty sloppy.

Looking ahead, we have the Franklin Force tomorrow. They are the other winless team and we should put up a fight. MMN claims that they are fielding 10 with no subs, but I find that hard to believe. After all, no subs is why the team split. Come to think of it, no subs is why Hoagiefest wasn't as fun last year. No matter, let's show up to play.

Score: Freedom Haters 20 - Freedom 2

Moral Victory of the Game: Um, no one got hurt?


"This is our best lineup to date." - BK, right before 3 or 4 hitless innings

"How come I've only made the blog once?" - Brian S
"Somebody reads the blog?" - Social Chair

"OMG I LUV UR BLOG!" - BK, to Whiskey Frank

"If this was pinball, we'd have a lot of points right now." - Bootsy, after aforementioned errors

"And do what with them?" - Smith
"Put them in your mouth." - A Hussey

"We hit where they were." - Da Ali V Show
"They hit where they weren't." - Bridge with a T
"Also, we sucked." - Me

"Look everyone, I'm here!" - MMN

"I'm going to teach my kindergartners about jugs." - Some Harlot

"It's hard being the only Hussey." - Amy the Bad Ass

"Good eye!" - Me, after a ball in the dirt
"Fuck you!" - Kidnappable Allie, not taking compliments right now

"So, basically a vibrator caused the headboard to bang and you..." - Speak-N-Spellman
"I started screaming." - Scrappy Doo

"I get useless after awhile." - Somebody

"Hey Mike, want to be cool like me and skip the game?" - Jill the Scientist
"Yeah!" - Harry Potter

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