Saturday, June 8, 2013

WINNING (and other stuff)

I've been too busy to update, so here's a brief recap of what has happened in the world of the Rising Suns since our last post:

This is actually after the 23-7 loss

  • We had a make-up game against P&P, which we lost 15-4 in pretty wet conditions
  • We joined TFI on Memorial Day for a scrimmage/BBQ that was a lot of fun. By we, I mean me and Sarah.
  • One week after our scrimmage, more of the team was there for an actual game against the 'tute:
    • Charlotte caught a line drive to get Buddy out
    • BPH had a homer
    • We ate tasty burgers and hot dogs
    • This was the first game in which we went into extra innings
    • I fell/slid into home for the tying run in the bottom of the 8th
    • Erin scored the winning run off of a base hit from Ben Brown
    • WE WON 14-13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • This win was BK & Allie's official Rising Suns wedding send-off bonanza
  • The very next evening, we did battle with the Zoo
    • Most agree that this was the most fun game since last season
    • Probably because there was good heckling
    • Dom Brown Hussey had another homer
    • But we lost 23-7
    • But then it was Hoagie Fest
      • I was talked into two things at Hogie Fest:
        • Beer Bong
        • Fire Jumping (a la Tucker)
  • BK and Allie got married
Onto the important stuff:


"After they're married, Allie should go by AK and make her jersey number 47." - Ice Cube

"Pat struck out with the bases loaded!" - Mickles

"Make sure you mention that I got Buddy out." - Scrappy

"Pat struck out with the bases loaded!" - Mickles

"Stop sliding or start wearing pants. Dumbass." - My Mom

"I've never actually done a beer bong before." - This guy
"Oh, this is happening now." - B3

"Pat struck out with the bases loaded!" - Mickles

"This is the best thing that's going to happen to him this week." - Someone who very much wanted to remain anonymous

"We have cups." - Some silly person while the bottle of champagne was being passed around

"Just stick it in her butt already." - Whitmarsh to some guy talking to some girl. I don't know who, it was dark and I was drunk.

"I hit the ball! Twice!" - Tiff

"I keep getting put into positions I don't want to experience." - Boomer (Scrappy could not be reached for comment)

"It was so much better on the way out." - BVDubs

"Nice beard." - Tambourine Matt, heckling

"Stop drinking our beer!" - Ventrola

"Drink our beer!" - Commish Ed, about two minutes later

"Thanks Phyllis!" - The CCSL, post-Hoagie Fest

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